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Welcome to EPALE
EPALE, of course, means EPA Learning Environment. But 'epale', in Greek, means 'contact'. That is what EPALE hopes to establish: contact in multiple ways: between EPA course faculty and course participants, between participants among each others and between alumni of the course, as a community, interested in EPAs and EPA developments. The dual focus of EPALE is to provide support during courses, and to be a repository and resource center for EPA related information: publications, instructional course videos, powerpoint slide sets for use in faculty development workshops etcetera.
EPALE was created and is hosted and maintained by the with the generous support of Dr. Fremen Chichen Chou, Medical Education Scholar and Specialist in Emergency Medicine at China Medical University Hospital in, Taichung, Taiwan. EPALE is accessible for all those who are taking or have have taken the International Course Ins and Outs of Entrustable Professional Activities – see www.epa-courses.nl